Dr. Kasiri Bidhendi, Norollah , Professor

Design , Simulation and  Process Control

E-mail: kasiri [AT] iust.ac.ir 
Tel: (+9821) 73228720
Fax: (+9821) 73021652
Postal Code: 13114-16846
University of Science and Technology of Iran, University St., Hengam St., Resalat Square, Tehran, Iran.
Virtual Laboratory
Research Laboratory


Ph.D. in chemical engineering (Swansea university, UK)

M.Sc. in chemical engineering (Swansea university, UK)

B.Sc. in chemical engineering (Glamorgan university, UK)

Research of Interest

Software consultation, training, design, writing and development

Process feasibility evaluation, equipment & layout design , simulation , optimization & analysis


Work Experience

Lecturer at the Chem. Eng. Dept., IUST. (1993-present)

Establishment of Computer Aided Process Engineering Research Lab (CAPE) (1993-95)

Director of CAPE (1995-present)

Director of process engineering group, Chem. Eng. Dept., IUST. (1993-95)

Deputy of the Chem. Eng. Dept., IUST. (1995-00)

Director of the applied & industrial research office, IUST. (2000-present)

Projects undertaken

Feasibility study of Razi ammonium sulfate plant

Know-how development for the reinforced composite industry

Establishment of the development strategy for the downstream petrochemical industry

Analysis and design of an STPP production plant

Hazop study on STPP production plant

Simulation of dynamic fiber suspensions.

Dynamic simulation of distillation column .

Development of a comprehensive tool to select and initially design process equipment

Energy conservation in the sugar cane industry .

Development of a thermal and mechanical shell and tube and plate heat exchanger designer

Simulation of Arak Olefin plant“ of Ammonia production plant“ of Kangan gas refinery 

Courses Taught

Level Course Syllabus

Student Projects


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